Friday, February 29, 2008

Children's Consignment

Well I have spent the last few weeks gathering some of the boys clothes to sell at a consignment sale. It is so nice to make room in the closets. Somehow I can just not part with the baby girl clothes yet. I think because they are so cute and I do not want to admit that Kennedy is growing up. This is day 14 of potty training and she has been great. She only wears a pullup for her nap and a diaper (which we call Mickey because everything has to be identified as the picture on front)at night time. I have been told by many that it may just be a phase and to not get upset if she regresses, but wish me luck!


Ang said...

I may be mistaken, but I believe that my neice, Megan, was potty trained before 2 and it stuck, so who knows? Did Alissa give you that picture? I have no idea why I had two of them. I know you are already past that in your album, jerk, but just thought I would pass it along.
Have a great weekend.

Alissa said...

Angie is right, Megan did potty train herself around 18 months. Nice, huh! I didn't give you the picture yet, but I'm getting it out right now and putting it with my school stuff. . . till tomorrow