Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Basketball Shoot Out

PTA puts on an event where each grade level compeates for the top 3 players in a basketball shoot out. Being a board member I tag my kids along for a fun night of fun. Well little did I know what champions I have living amoungst me. Kyle was 4th out of approximately 75 kindergarteners. Yeah Kyle! And don't think he did not learn his skills from higher grounds, Chase made it to 6th place out of approximately 100 1st graders. I am so impressed with both of them.

1 comment:

Jeanne Bloomfield said...

Yeah chase and Kyle! Guess we know what sport they will be playing next winter!!! Baseball summers, soccer falls, and now add Basketball to the list!! When Dan ever gets Danny's new basketball net set up the boys will have to come play!!!!!