Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Kennedy turns "2"

Kennedy's birthday is on Saturday, but we decided to celebrate it with our families on Easter Sunday. I ordered her a giant Zoe cake, which is now in my freezer waiting to be shared with others at a later date. She made out like a bandit. She received and Elmo laptop, Mickey Mouse toodle ears, a drawing easel and Dora PJ's that she does not want to remover herself from. She also received a new baby that let's you feed her real water and wets her pants, lucky for me she does not know that part yet!


Ang said...

Oh my, I can not believe that she is two already!!!!

Ang said...

Just a reminder that it is May! I let the whole month of April go without any updates from you, you know since we did talk on the phone, but I would like kid updates!!!!!! Please. Thank you!

Ang said...

Hello, is anyone there?

Ang said...

Seriously, is this thing on?

Ang said...

Hi, my name is Angie and I am looking for my long lost friend, does anyone know where she is?

Ang said...

Why, why, why do I even check?