Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution Week 1

First of all, to those who do not know...I love Jillian Michaels. I think she has a rocking body! I loved watching her workouts on The Biggest Looser. I am still a fan of the show, but I truly miss her. When I heard she had a 90 day program, I ordered it right away. It was a gift from my husband for my 40th birthday!

I turned 40 on Sunday, April 15th. I wasn't able to start the plan right away, because I was running in a Marathon Relay in downtown St. Louis on my actual birthday. I ran the first leg...5.75 miles in       1 hour 4 minutes. I used to be a little faster, but after I ran my first 1/2 Marathon, I slowed my pace down.

I gave myself the next day off. My legs were sore from running some hills.
As for the meals, I hate to cook!! I have a dear friend, Amy, whose husband has been successful at losing weight by watching his calorie count. I asked him if he would mind making an extra serving of each of his meals. He agreed (for a very reasonable cost), so I have to say the food part is super easy for me to stick with. I am currently eating around 1500 calories a day.

Ok, so for the workouts!
I decided to do the Kickstart Your Metabolism Plan.
I started on Tuesday and ended on Sunday. The plan calls for a morning workout and an evening workout. Perfect! I set my alarm for 5:20am. I am in the basement ready to go by 5:30am. I work      4 days a week part time. I have 4 kids. 3 are in school full time and a 3 year old that attends the school I teach at. I get home everyday by 2:30pm. I lay my 3yr old down for a nap and back to the basement I go.

Tuesday: 5:30am workout 1.....felt great, used 5 lb weights
                2:30pm cardio 1.......great workout, out of breath

Wednesday: 5:30am workout 2.....felt great, used 5 lb weights
                      2:30pm cardio 1......starting to be sore

Thursday: 5:30am cardio 1
I was not able to do my second cardio, my son had multiple doctor appts. this day

Friday: 5:30am workout 1....still at 5 lb weights
              1:30pm cardio 1

Saturday: 7:30am workout 2.....changed to 10 lb weights
                  2:30pm cardio 1

Sunday: 8:30am cardio 1
               3:00pm cardio 1

Weight loss.....1 lb
                       2" in waist
                       and .5" in thigh

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