Monday AM.......Circuit 9
Not Sure how to explain today's workout, but....WOW!
I think Jillian and her awesome crew created these crazy moves.
I found them hard and incredibly challenging. The squatted jumping jacks are a thigh burner.
Down dog's are odd.
Monday PM.......Cardio 3
OMG! That sucked, love that the cicuits are only 20 seconds, hate all the planks and burpees!
Tuesday AM.....Circuit 10
I think Jillian makes Monday's extremely hard and then gives us a "liitle" break on Tuesdays.
I am not very good at the jumping lunges with weights, using 5lbs
Squat with a weight. I am not yet able to stay squatted the entire time!
I do have to say, I like the exercise where we can touch the ground, while one leg is extended.
Wednesday......Cardio 3
I think this is one of the hardest workouts in the program.
I have to admit, I do not do the side burpees or the cannon ball jumps.
They exhaust me and I use those (2) 20 second breaks to regain my strenghth
Thursday AM....Circuit 9
I am finding it is easier to do the planks with weights, my shoulders are feeling the pain.
Friday AM......Circuit 10
Squatted Pidgeon?? Seriously, too funny, but I am able to do it!
I am doing the superman's, but with no weights.
Saturday AM......Cardio 3
Still not my favorite
Sunday....3 mile run
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